- Engaged Learning – Teachers and students are responsible for learning, energized by learning, and engaged in planning and collaboration
- Activities for Engaged Learning – Tasks are challenging, authentic, and integrative/interdisciplinary /trans disciplinary
- Assessment of Engaged Learning – Assessment is performance-based, generative , interwoven with curriculum and instruction, and has equitable standards
- Teaching Models and Strategies – Strategies are interactive and generative (learners construct and produce knowledge in meaningful ways)
- Learning Context – Context is a knowledge-building learning community that is collaborative and empathetic
- Grouping – Grouping is heterogeneous, flexible, and equitable
- Teacher Roles – Roles include facilitator, guide, co-learner and co-investigator
- Student Roles – Roles include explorer, cognitive apprentice and producer of knowledg
Our areas of support include
- Curriculum mapping
- Designing thematic / inquiry units
- Developing lesson plans / activities that supplement text books
- Designing syllabus handbook, school calendar and parent handbook
- Developing teaching strategies
- Designing assessment model
- Integrate IT with curriculum
- Inclusive education